Please fix English translation issues

Discussion in 'General Development' started by boolian, Mar 12, 2022.

  1. boolian

    boolian Member

    Makes the whole interface seem kind of cheap. I returned my Zidoo for a DuneHD which is perfect English. Some of the settings on the Zidoo are hard for me to understand because of the bad translation. Thank you for your consideration. You can probably hire a really good translator online. I would do it to be honest. I don't know Chinese but I could suggest better ways of wording things. There are some outright misspellings.
    nebula far likes this.
  2. János

    János New Member

    It has been a problem for me for a long time to set the language of the device to Hungarian, only note it until I turn it off. When I turn it on, it returns to English.
    Many menu items are not translated into Hungarian.
  3. Beni2360

    Beni2360 New Member

    A PH-n egy topiklakó önkéntes alapon fordított de olyan nehezen adták ki az anyagot mintha a fogukat szívták volna.
    Nekem már mióta van fordítás azóta evvel, hogy vissza áll angolra még nem találkoztam. Szerintem most szünetel a fordítás mivel a frissítésekben az új opciók angol nyelven vannak. A PH topikban egy valakinek volt ilyen gondja de gondolom az te voltál.
    I am sorry to write in Hungarian.
  4. nebula far

    nebula far New Member

    When you go to an international exposure you should invest few bucks in an English grammar checking software (Like Grammarly) if you can’t hire a person. Like there is a grammar error in the Bluetooth menu and the same error goes on the stickers on your remotes, old and new!

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