Z1000 and Google account

Discussion in 'HDD Media player(RTD 1296)' started by mbaele, Feb 11, 2020.

  1. mbaele

    mbaele New Member

    I have a Zidoo Z1000 with firmware 2.2.96. I cannot enter my google account, in order to install applications and access my mailbox. The interface refuses to let me enter my account. Do you have an idea ?
  2. bob

    bob Active Member Zidoo TECH Supporter

    You can try it, restore your device, and reinstall google play.
  3. futeko.com

    futeko.com Active Member

    I would recommend:

    1. Reinstall Google Apps without doing anything else. Download and execute (find in file browser and press OK on remote) this: http://apidl.zidoo.tv/app/GappsInstaller-rtk-7.1_v1.2.4.apk

    If 1 works then no need to do anything else. If it doesn't then:

    2. Reinstall firmware and reinstall Google Apps. You can stick with 2.2.96 or update to latest 2.3.10. 2.2.96: http://forum.zidoo.tv/index.php?threads/new-firmware-v2-2-96-version-for-zidoo-z1000-release.52062/ 2.3.10: http://forum.zidoo.tv/index.php?threads/new-firmware-v2-3-10-version-for-zidoo-z1000-release.66278/ Then reinstall Gapps: http://apidl.zidoo.tv/app/GappsInstaller-rtk-7.1_v1.2.4.apk

    If that doesn't work then:

    3. Do an emergency reflash (this will wipe everything on the box). Instructions: https://www.zidoo.tv/Support/support_guide/guide_target/a2iqLWF3xcTeq7k9e[ld]3ulg==.html Then install more recent firmware and Gapps the same as number 2 above.
  4. andrewrona

    andrewrona Member

    you could try Apoide ?

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