провалы звука при подключении по оптическому кабелю + периодическое отключение USB3.0

Discussion in 'ZIDOO Z9S' started by Alex37, Jan 18, 2020.

  1. Alex37

    Alex37 New Member

    Другой возможности подключения нет. Ставлю прошивки только официальные. На 2.82 - по оптике звук периодически проваливался на секунду, при просмотре фильма очень раздражает неуслышанные фразы! Перешился на 2.96, думал поправили-нихрена подобного! Все сидят на HDMI, а про оптику думать не хотят! Всё куда-то вперёд летят, лучше бы имеющееся отшлифовали до нормальной работы.
    Ещё периодически отваливается USB3.0, не зависимо от прошивок. Всё это когда устранят? У такой навороченной приставки, с такими широкими возможностями - такие детские болезни!!! Надо сначала то, что есть отшлифовать до нормальной работы, а потом дальше развиваться!
  2. Alex37

    Alex37 New Member

    There is no other possibility of connection. I put insertions only official. On 2.82 - on optics the sound periodically failed for a second, when viewing the movie very much irritates not heard phrases! It was altered on 2.96, thought corrected - bloody nothing similar! All sit on HDMI, and about optics do not want to think! In total somewhere forward fly, better ground available before normal work.
    Still periodically USB3.0 falls off, it is not dependent on insertions. All this when will be eliminated? At such fancy prefix, with such ample opportunities - such children's diseases!!! It is necessary to grind at first what is before normal work, and then further to develop!
  3. futeko.com

    futeko.com Active Member

    You have tried the latest 2.3.15 firmware?
  4. Alex37

    Alex37 New Member

    No, did not try. At present 2.3.10 are established. Tried to change a cable - without changes.
  5. Vismantas Bagdonas

    Vismantas Bagdonas New Member

    I have the same problem. Install vlc player. In decoding option select "disabled". This is fixes your problem but only with vlc player. Stock player stops droping sound only with oldest 1.7.8 fw. May need to recover 2 times to flash corectly. Yes, from forst atempt it may flash incorectly and still have sound drops.
  6. Alex37

    Alex37 New Member

    VLC at me is established, but I listen to a lot of music and I use a stock player,
    and also PowerAmp. At forum 4PDA suggested to dump to an insertion 1.7.8 through
    rest and stitch all insertions one after another with dumping on factory settings,
    I do not try-think yet.
  7. Alex37

    Alex37 New Member

    On what insertion does not the sound on optics shut up and USB3.0 does not fall off? (Z9S)

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